Released in 2011 to the Present Day, taking up 20 volumes at present. Set in 2011 after an earthquake in Japan in the town of Morioh, it follows an amnesiac young man named Josuke Higashikata after he is found by Yasuho Hirose, and is taken in by the Higashikata family. While trying to learn who he is with the help of his new family, and Yasuho, he runs into the mysterious Rock People and learns of the strange Rokakaka fruit.
The main protagonist of Part 8, Josuke Higashikata is a man with no memory. After being found by Yasuho Hirose, he is adopted by the kindly Higashikata, who name him. He travels through Morioh to try and discover who he is, but it's not long until he has his first encouter with the Rock People, humanoid people that are actually made of rock, and battles them to discover the mysteries of the Rokakaka fruit. His stand, Soft & Wet, creates bubbles, which Josuke can use to either attack or to steal things, whether it be physical things, or abstract concepts like friction on the floor.
Yasuho Hirose is initially Joshu's crush, but she realises that she likes Josuke more. She is the one to first find Josuke and so she spends much of the part helping him to work out who he is. She also spends a fair amount of time with other members of the Higashikata family, in particular Tsurugi. She is able to help out with her stand, Paisley Park, which can gain sorts of information from electronics and also be a guide with maps.
Joshu Higashikata is the third child of the Higashikata family and he believes that he has a romantic relationship with Yasuho - he doesn't. Joshu feels envy towards Josuke for coming into their home and treats him as a rival of sorts, even though there have been a few occasions when Josuke and Joshu have worked together. Joshu develops a stand part way through the story, Nut King Call, which can be used to disassemble objects or people by placing a nut and bolt on an object and unscrewing. He can put the object back together, but only if he repairs it properly.
Rai Mamezuku is a botanist who secretly works in the Higashikata Fruit Company, and is enlisted to help search for the Rokakaka branch by Josuke and Yasuho. He uses his stand, Doggy Style, to assist him with this, as it allows him to create string around his body to either grab things from a distance, or to unravel parts of himself to protect himself.
Jobin Higashikata is the second child of the Higashikata and is the father of Tsurugi. Due to the family curse of the rock disease, he had to pretend to be a girl for the first 12 years of his life. He works as part of the Higashikata Fruit Company, and is very high ranking in it. Jobin has a stand, Speed King, which allows him to create intense heat in a small area by touching it, but the true extent of his abilities are yet to be seen.
Tsurugi Higashikata is the only son of Jobin and Mitsuba, but raised as a girl for the first 12 years to ward off the rock disease curse, and because he is still only 9, he still dresses as a girl. He has a passion for origami, which he confers power into from his stand, Paper Moon King, which can be used to create life or illusions on objects or people, like buses into a person, or all people looking the same.
Norisuke Higashikata IV is the current head of the Higashikata family, as well as the owner of the Higashikata Fruit Company. While being very inward focused on the family, he does adopt the amnesiac Josuke early on and tries to help him recover his memories. Just like all other first born males in the family, he had to pretend to be a girl for the first 12 years of his life to prevent being inflicted with the Rock Disease. He also has a stand, King Nothing, which can be used to track scents.
One of the Rock People living in Morioh, Tamaki Damo is initially introduced as the "boyfriend" of Hato Higashikata, but he is just using her to get into the Higashikata household to take revenge on the family for killing his henchmen. Damo is part of the Rokakaka smuggling trade in Morioh, and uses his stand, Vitamin C, to deal with any interference by softening and melting them down onto the current surface that they are on.
Yotsuyu Yagiyama is another of the Rock People living in Morioh and is the first one introduced. He works as part of the Rokakaka Smuggling Organisation, and uses Tsurugi to attack Josuke in the Higashikata household. He does this by utilising his stand, I Am a Rock, to cause one particular type of object at at time fly towards the taget en masse to deal damage.
Aisho Dainenjiyama is another of the Rock Humans living in Morioh and is part of the Rokakaka Smuggling Organisation, and works as a dealer of the Rokakaka fruit. He is introduced when he is followed by Yasuho and Tsurugi, and so uses his stand, Doobie Wah!, to try and deal with them, as its' ability is a homing mini tornado, which cuts people deeply, as well as being an automatic type stand.
Dolomite is another Rock Human living in Morioh, but unlike the others, he has a partially destroyed body so can't blend in with normal people. An acquaintance of Jobin, he is tasked with retrieving the Rokakaka fruit from Josuke, and so uses his stand, Blue Hawaii, to control others via touch or blood to reach Josuke. Despite Dolomite being part of the Rock Humans, he doesn't care about the Rokakaka Smuggling Organisation.
Wu Tomoki is another of the Rock Humans, and works in the University Hospital and is the one to administer the Rokakaka fruit to patients as part of the equivalent exchange. He utilises his stand, Doctor Wu, to break his body down and enter the patient's body to prevent the exchange taking part of the brain by mistake. He is encountered by Yasuho and Mitsuba Higashikata when they are searching for the stolen Rokakaka branch. When attacking them with his stand, he can break down and enter and control their bodies.
Yoshikage Kira was a marine surgeon and the son of Holy Joestar, until a particular event occurred with another young man named Josefumi Kujo, upon which they ran into the Rokakaka Smuggling Organisation and they stole a Rokakaka fruit. After taking massive injuries from the fight, despite using his stand, Killer Queen, which allows him to create bubbles that explode. Josefumi uses the Rokakaka fruit on Kira, and the equivalent exchange happens, leaving Kira dead, and the two minds melded together, now known as Josuke Higashikata.