JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a long running shonen manga written by Hirohiko Araki since 1987. Since it's release, it has become a highly popular and iconic series, through many stories and many mediums.
Since its' release, it has continued to have a huge impact on many popular culture, as well as the genre that it belongs to. Initially being a manga, now in its' 8th Part, it has had many different forms that it has been as.
These include an OVA series, which adapted the 3rd Part, Stardust Crusaders; as well as 2 different films - one animated adaptation of the 1st Part, Phantom Blood, and one live action version of the 4th Part, Diamond is Unbreakable.
It also includes a number of games, which are primarily fighting games, as it tends to lend itself to the stylistic ideas and concepts as seen in the series. There is also an anime adaptation by David Productions that has been going on since 2012.
Manga: Click here to learn about the manga, written by Hirohiko Araki and learn about the characters of each part. Games: Click here to learn about the various games based on the series and released for the last 30 years. Adaptations: Click here to learn about the various film and anime adaptations of the series. About: Click here to learn about the people behind the series. Picture Editor: Click here to create your own image.