Released in 2004 to 2011 and taking up 24 volumes. Set in 1890, it follows Johnny Joestar as he takes part in the Steel Ball Run, a race across the United States of America with the prize of 50 million dollars up for stakes. Meeting another competitor, Gyro Zeppeli, the pair work together to discover the true secrets behind the Steel Ball Run.
Johnny Joestar was a progidoius horse racer, but after an accident he became paraplegic. After hearing of the Steel Ball Run, a race from coast to coast of the USA, he joins and becomes friends with a fellow competitor named Gyro Zeppeli, who temporarily heals his legs with his steel balls. While leaning the secret of the steel balls and the Spin, he develops his own Stand, Tusk, which allows him to use the spin to fire his nails, and throughout the Part develops Tusk into further Acts, all the way to Act 4, giving him access to the overpowered Infinite Spin, trapping someone in an infinite loop. Due to taking part in the race with his horse, Slow Dancer, he unwittingly becomes involved with the search for the Corpse Parts.
Gyro Zeppeli is an Italian who travels to the USA in order to take part in the Steel Ball Run to save the life of a child who he was requested to execute. Gyro rides on his horse Valkyrie, and has the power of the spin, the ability to spin the Steel Ball fast enough to fire it at opponents. By the end of the Part, this ability manifests itself into the stand Ball Breaker, which serves a very similar purpose.
Hot Pants is another competitor in the Steel Ball Run, riding on the horse Gets Up. While masquerading as a boy, she's actually female and an agent for the Vatican, who want information about the Corpse Parts. Hot Pants' stand is Cream Starter, a spray which she can use on her own body and on others to change their appearance or to seal wounds.
A traditional cowboy and fellow competitor in the Steel Ball Run, Mountain Tim rides the horse Ghost Rider in the Sky. He has great respect from horses and becomes allied with Johnny and Gyro early on in the race. His stand, Oh! Lonesome Me, allows Mountain Tim to spread out his entire body on a piece of rope, by sending parts down in like his fingers, causing no harm to him.
Steven Steel is the husband of Lucy Steel, but in name only, only marrying her to cover her father's debts. Steven, with the help of a younger Lucy, came up with the idea of a long distance horse race, but lacked a sponsor. He eventually finds one in Funny Valentine, the President of the United States, who agrees to help, but Steven suspects that there is an ulterior motive at play.
Another spin user, this time using the powerful Wrecking Balls, a type of ball that removes sight and feeling on the left hand side of the body to cripple vision and attacks. Initially working for Valentine, Wekapipo comes to terms with what he's done, and so becomes an ally to Johnny and Gyro.
Diego "Dio" Brando is another competitor in the Steel Ball Run riding the horse Silver Bullet. While working with both the protagonists and the antagonists across the story, he primarily serves as Johnny and Gyro's rival. Part way through the story, he obtains a version of the stand Scary Monsters from Dr Ferdinand, which gives Diego the ability to turn into a dinosaur, specifically a Utahraptor, as well as the power to turn other people and objects into dinosaurs as well.
Ringo Roadagain is a gunman who works for Valentine, and so is tasked with the goal of killing Johnny and Gyro to take their parts of the Saint Corpse. To gain the upper hand in any fight, he uses his stand, Mandom, which has the power to rewind time by 6 seconds, allowing him to gain the upper hands in fights because he already knows the outcomes of actions. It also allows him to keep opponents trapped in an infinite loop of getting lost as they still remember going forwards.
Blackmore is another one of Valentine's men, who is tasked with tracking down anyone who spies upon the president. He does this by utilising his stand, Catch the Rainbow, which is the mask upon his face, to walk on the raindrops, as well as use the rain to seal any wounds he may have taken in fights.
Magent Magent, also known in some translations as Magenta Magenta, is another one of Valentine's henchmen. He wields the completely invulnarable 20th Century Boy, a stand that allows him to take no damage from everything by simply putting his hands on the floor in a kneeling position. In this state he can't be hit by anything, including Gyro's Steel Balls and a dynamite explosion.
Lucy Steel is the 14 year old wife of Steven Steel. Despite being married, Steven treats her more as a daughter than a wife, but she stills travels with Steven to oversee the Steel Ball Run and helped him come up with the idea in the past. Despite not having any powers throughout almost the entire part, she works with Johnny and Gyro to find the Saint Corpse Parts and is successful in this. However, after she finds too many of the parts, the corpse manifests inside her, becoming the stand Ticket to Ride. This is used by Valentine as a powerful ally in the form of D4C - Love Train.
Funny Valentine is the President of the United States, and is also the main antagonist of Part 7. He sponsors the Steel Ball Run in order to hit all of the locations of the Saint Corpse Parts, which he believes will give him great power, or as he puts it, taking the first napkin. To help him accomplish this are his henchmen, as well as his stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, or D4C. Its' power allows D4C to pull alternate versions of a person from their universe to his, including versions of himself, but there is only one D4C. If the two versions of a person touch each other, then they both die, making him a large threat. Once Valentine kidnaps Lucy Steel and she develops Ticket to Ride, light pours from the train they are on turning it into D4C - Love Train, a completely invincible stand, for if any attack hits the streams of light, it gets reflected to a random person, killing them instead.