Released in 1989 to 1992 taking up 12 volumes, Part 3 follows the story of Jotaro Kujo, a Japanese teenage delinquent. Joined by his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and a number of other characters, Jotaro must travel to Egypt to defeat the newly revived DIO, in order to save his mother. Rather than have the power of hamon, Jotaro instead has the power of a Stand - Star Platinum, which gives him great abilities, but so do all his enemies.
Jotaro Kujo is a 17 year old schoolboy from Japan. After gaining his stand, Star Platinum, which has the power of great precision and speed, he joins forces with his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and other allies in order to form the Stardust Crusaders in order to defeat the revived DIO due to the threat on his Mother's life.
The returning Joseph Joestar is much older in this part due to the time frame of being about 50 years later. Now having developed a stand in the form of Hermit Purple, which he can use to take spirit photographs and channel his hamon energy through, he joins forces with his grandson Jotaro in order to help save his daughter Holly from the revived DIO.
A fortune teller from Egypt, Avdol becomes friends with Joseph some point before the events of the Part. His stand, Magician's Red has the power of control of fire, which he uses to show Jotaro that his stand is not an evil spirit. He joins the Crusaders in order to help his friends.
A schoolboy from Japan, his is implanted with a bud of DIO to force him to fight the crusaders before they set out on their journey. After saving Kakyoin from DIO's influence, he joins the Crusaders in order to help them. His stand, Hierophant Green, is a long range stand, and so can attack from a distance with the powerful Emerald Splash.
A Frenchman with the goal of revenge to kill the man who killed his sister, Polnareff is implanted with a bud of DIO in order to fight the Crusaders. After saving Polnareff from DIO's influence, he joins the Crusaders in order to find his target. His stand, Silver Chariot, is a fast rapier-wielding stand that is great at cutting down his enemies, and can remove it's armor to make it even faster.
Iggy is the last of the main characters to join the Crusaders. While only being a dog, his stand, The Fool, is very strong as it has control over sand and can change it's form into whatever it wants to be, whether in be an illusion of someone, or a hang-glider. Iggy slowly warms up to the Crusaders over time and becomes a valuable member of the team.
A cowardly man who prefers to be number two, Hol Horse encounters the Crusaders a number of times on their journey to Egypt. His stand, Emperor, is a gun that he can control the bullets of. While not being a very strong stand on it's own, it is very good when it is paired with another stand that can be more directional in combat.
The man that killed and raped Polnareff's sister Sherry, J. Geil is truly a horrible person. His stand, Hanged Man, appears in reflections and stabs people with it's knife in order to kill them. J. Geil is recognisable by his two right hands.
Enya serves as DIO's advisor throughout much of Part 3, and is the one who gives him his stand. Being the mother of J. Geil, she flies into a frenzy once she learns the fate of her son, and so uses her stand, Justice, to try and destroy all of the Crusaders. Justice's ability is to control someone by entering any wounds on a person's body, but there doesn't seem to be a limit on how many it can control at once.
Being DIO's most loyal follower, he acts as the final challenge before the Crusaders can reach DIO. Being a vampire, and having one of the most dangerous stands in the whole series, Vanilla Ice is incredibly formidable. His stand, Cream, allows for Vanilla Ice to hide in another dimension and eat all matter and remove it from this plane of existance, be it wall, floor or human alike.
The main villain of Part 3, the revived DIO survives the events of Part 1 by stealing Jonathan's body for his own. After receiving his stand, The World, from Enya and a stand arrow, DIO begins to grow more powerful. The power of The World is the power to stop time for brief intervals, but it gets longer the more times he uses it. This makes DIO one truly formidable enemy.