First released in 1987 taking up 5 volumes, Part 1 is the story of youth, as a young man named Jonathan Joestar's story begins to unfold. Follow Jonathan as he meets his adopted brother, Dio Brando, and his friends Robert Speedwagon and Will Zeppeli as he tries to learn the mysterious power of hamon...
Jonathan Joestar, also known as JoJo, is the main character of Part 1. The son of the wealthy George Joestar, he becomes he rival of his adopted brother, Dio Brando. Jonathan is a strong and courageous man, whose power becomes stronger when he is taught the secrets of hamon energy.
Dio Brando is the adopted brother of JoJo, and is hostile towards his new brother and plans to take everything he has. But things become even better for Dio when he learns the secrets of the Stone Mask, a mysterious item that gives new abilities when given blood.
A man from a mysterious background, Zeppeli is a master of the hamon arts, a focus of breathing to give energy to the surroundings. He becomes Jonathan's mentor and teaches him how to use hamon.
Initially encounted as an enemy, Speedwagon quickly becomes a good friend to JoJo and travels with him to take out Dio. While not having any powers of his own, Speedwagon is there in a support role to help encourage his friends, due to his adoration of them, as well as his incredible loyalty.
A gigantic knight of Mary Stuart given life again by the Stone Mask, Tarkus now serves Dio along with Bruford in the town of Windknight's Lot. He prove to be a truly formidable adversary when the group come to fight him due to his intense strength.
A knight of Mary Stuart given life again by the Stone Mask, Bruford now serves Dio along with Tarkus in the town of Windknight's Lot. He specialises in swordplay, and has control over his hair, which makes the fight a tough one for JoJo.