Part 6: Stone Ocean

Released in 2000 to 2003 taking up 17 volumes. Set in 2011 in follows Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo after she is arrested and sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison for alleged murder. After Jotaro is attacked inside the prison with both his memories and his stand being taken, Jolyne remains in the prison to find who the culprit was, and take back her father's life. With her stand, Stone Free, and her friends including Ermes Costello and Emporio Alnino, they try to escape the jail and get the DISCs back.

Major Characters

Jolyne Cujoh

Stone Free

The 19 year old girl with the Prisoner Number FE40536, Jolyne Cujoh is in prison for a crime she didn't commit. And after developing her stand, Stone Free, a string based stand that allows her to turn her body into long strands to grab things and attack from a distance, as well as contort her body into unnatural shapes.

Ermes Costello


Ermes Costello is another prisoner in Green Dolphin Street Prison, her being there voluntarily in order to seek revenge on her sister's killer, Sports Maxx and his stand Limp Bizkit. While in prison, Ermes develops her own stand, Kiss, which has the power to duplicate an object using a sticker, and by removing the sticker forces the two objects back into one, causing high amounts of damage.

Emporio Alnino

Burning Down the House

Born in Green Dolphin Street Prison in secret, no one knows of Emporio's existence. Due to this secretive life, as well as his ability, Burning Down the House, the ability to enter "ghost rooms", rooms that previously were in the prison before it burnt down, as well as utilise objects inside them, Emporio is good at hiding himself and others, being able to pull others into his rooms as well.

Weather Report

Weather Report

A man with no memory of his past, only known as the same name as his stand, Weather Report. He lives in Green Dolphin Street Prison to help out the people he calls his friends, namely Emporio and Anasui. His stand, Weather Report, gives him control over the weather in the surrounding area, such as rain, or sun, or a hail of toxic frogs.

Narciso Anasui

Diver Down

Sentenced to prison for the murder of two people, Narciso Anasui is set in the goal of one thing: his marriage to Jolyne. While being kind and sweet in his one sided attempt, he is violent and cruel to anyone who disagrees with her. His stand, Diver Down, allows him to imprint attacks on a surface in order to use that attack later on, as well as the ability to restructure an object from the inside to change it physially.

Foo Fighters

A stand given a personality and memory, intially serving Whitesnake, but after being defeated by Jolyne and Ermes, becomes their friend. It takes the form of the deceased inmate Atroe, and joins forces with Jolyne and Ermes, while its true form is that of plankton. In order to stay hydrated, Foo Fighters need a nearby source of water. In terms of ability, Foo Fighters has the power to heal others by sealing wounds, as well as firing parts of itself off as bullets.

Jotaro Kujo

Star Platinum

Jotaro Kujo returns once again, this time visiting his daughter Jolyne in Green Dolphin Street Prison and bestowing upon her a gift - that of a stand arrow fragment. Jotaro spends most of Part 6 near death due to the encounter with Whitesnake, which removes both his memory DISC and his stand DISC, preventing him from using Star Platinum, which like before, is strong and fast and has the ability to briefly pause time.

Johngalli A

Manhattan Transfer

A blind ex-soldier with a great aim for sniping, Johngalli A is in Green Dolphin Street Prison for murder. One of DIO's followers, he attempts to kill both Jolyne and Jotaro with the aid of his stand, Manhattan Transfer, which can sense wind currents, as well as redirect bullets aimed at it. Johngalli A plays a crucial role in Whitesnake's plan to obtain Jotaro's memories for itself.

Miuccia Miuller

Jail House Lock

Miuccia Miuller is the Corrections Officer for Green Dolphin Street Prison, and is the final obstacle for Jolyne to overcome before she escapes. Miuccia prevents people by escaping through use of her stand, Jail House Lock, which prevents people from being able to remember more than three things, and if they try to remember a fourth, the first one is forgotton. Miuccia uses this ability on both Jolyne and Emporio.


Bohemian Rhapsody

One of DIO's children now working for Pucci, he uses his stand Bohemian Rhapsody to cause havoc over most of Florida to bring fictional characters to life by flying over the state in a plane. Ungalo is a drug addict, but after meeting Pucci, he turned his life around and now uses his power to take revenge on the world. Bohemian Rhapsody has seemingly endless potential, and is only limited by Ungalo's imagination; and that a person can only be attacked by one of Bohemian Rhapdosy's creations if they are aware of the source material.

Enrico Pucci



Made in Heaven

The main antagonist of Part 6, Enrico Pucci is DIO's most loyal follower, as well as a priest and works to get revenge for DIO, as well as to attain heaven, a plan that DIO had worked out but had been destroyed by Jotaro. In order to get this information from him, he frames Jolyne for murder and has her sent to the prison where he works as a priest to lure Jotaro, and using his stand Whitesnake, which makes them hallucinate, he steals Jotaro's memory and stand DISCs to gain the information for himself. Once done, Whitesnake develops into C-Moon, a powerful stand that manipulates gravity in the surrounding area as well as the ability to invert an object by punching it. When the time is right, C-Moon changes once again into Made in Heaven, which slowly but surely increases the speed of time in order to reset the universe, anyone who had been killed remaining dead. Pucci grew to love DIO in the past due to his way with words, as well as him healing his crippled leg.
