Released in 1987 to 1989 taking up 7 volumes, Part 2 follows the adventures of Joseph Joestar, a young man with innate hamon powers. He is soon tasked with training his potential in order to destroy the evil Pillar Men and their plan to become the ultimate life forms...
A young man with the tendency to predict his opponent's next line, Joseph Joestar, known as JoJo, has an innate hamon ability. In the story he must train his hamon in order to take out the Pillar Men. While Joseph may act goofy and irresponsible, he is actually very smart and kind.
Caesar Zeppeli is a young man who has been trained in the hamon arts, concentrating his energy into bubbles which he can use to attack. Despite Zeppeli and JoJo clashing heads at several points, they become great friends and allies.
A master of hamon powers, JoJo and Caesar visit her to train their hamon abilities. It's revealed that Lisa Lisa is the keeper of the Red Stone of Aja, the stone that is predicted to enhance the power of the Pillar Men, so she has it to prevent them from obtaining it. She is normally very collected and calm, but can show lots of emotion.
The leader of the Pillar Men, Kars has the power of light, which is shown via his forearm blades. He is very cruel and ruthless and wants to obtain the Red Stone of Aja so as to increase his power, as well as to erase humanity.
One of the Pillar Men, Esidisi has the power of heat, which he fires out of his blood to hurt his opponents. While mostly being very calm and emotionless, Esidisi is prone to severe temper tantrums, making him a dangerous opponent. He also won't stop at anything to obtain the Red Stone of Aja.
One of the Pillar Men, Wamuu has the power of wind, as he is able to attack by spinning his limbs fast enough to produce razor sharp wind. Despite being a fearsome warrior, Wamuu does have a great deal of self-honour, which means he doesn't fight in an underhanded way.
Despite being a Nazi Colonel, Rudol von Stroheim is shown to be a great ally to JoJo. Even after a very near death experience, he gets reconstructed as a cyborg and keeps assisting his allies.